Micro-Epsilon Atensor

Industrial progress is built on efficiency, cost savings, resource conservation and automation. The highest demands are placed on stable processes, ever-higher production quality and maximum efficiency. As a competence center for robotics and multi-sensor 3D measurement technology in the Micro-Epsilon Group, we develop application software for robot-assisted inspection systems in the automotive industry and software for signal processing of 3D applications with laser profile scanners.
Quality and sustainability – Conservation of valuable resources
The components we develop are essential building blocks for the function of complex products in the Micro-Epsilon Group. Our software components help to increase quality and productivity worldwide and help to save valuable resources.
Currently, around 20 employees work for Micro-Epsilon Atensor – mainly highly qualified software developers and engineers from the field of automation technology.
Micro-Epsilon Atensor is part of the Micro-Epsilon Group.
Company Data
Micro-Epsilon Atensor GmbH
Im Stadtgut B2
4407 Steyr-Gleink, Österreich
Telephone: +43 7252 70690-0
Fax: +43 7252 70690-500
e-Mail: atensor@micro-epsilon.at
Founding: 2003
Managing Director: Dipl.-Inform. Univ. Achim Sonntag
Certification: ISO 9001:2008